2016年3月29日 星期二

Why is orchid and the prefix for testis so similar?

In Lesson 13-1 we learned the prefix for testis is orchid(o)-.

I was wondering if anyone got curious why this prefix looks very similar to the plant orchid? Is it coincidence or not?

Source: left, upper right, lower right
 So I did some research. The interesting thing is that they are actually somehow related. There is an orchid called Salep (including Orchis mascula and Orchis militaris). The tubers of Salep look very similar to testis. That's why we use orchid for these plants.

Salep. Source: 林芷佑
The tuber of Salep is rich in glucomannan. Salep flour is consumed in beverages and desserts, especially in places that were formerly part of the Ottoman Empire.

drinks served with Salep. source: wiki
Ice cream sandwich with Salep favor. Source: wiki

Wikipedia. Orchidaceae. Salep.
Dan Saunders. 8 Everyday Words With X-Rated Origins.Cracked.

